JavaScript Scope Chains and Closures

Do you know exactly how closures work? Has another coder ever asked you exactly what a closure is, and you found yourself saying "it's kind of like when..." or showing an example of code ... or saying it is a function defined inside another function?

If so, you're not alone, and this is the talk is for you: by the end of this talk, you will not only know exactly what closures and scope chains are (both in JavaScript and in general) but you will be able to explain it precisely to anyone who asks, in 30 seconds or less!

After all, JS closures and scopes -- as well as their implementations -- are nothing strange or complex... but they are rarely explained well, and this creates an unnecessary amount of mystery. Let's ditch the mystery and get real!

This talk will not only explain exactly how scopes and closures work, but will show how a JS engine can trivially implement these features.

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Published July 8, 2014